Further multiple gold, silver, and copper targets have been identified at the Mt Carlton mining operation in Queensland for further testing, underpinning a 10,000m drilling program.

Extensive reprocessed historical geophysics data has highlighted up to 32 untested targets in close proximity to the mine, expanding Navarre’s previous knowledge of the composition of the mining area.

The largest footprint of gold, copper, silver deposits is believed to rest south-east of the mill, with a potential for being even larger than the new 1Moz V2 gold-silver-copper open pit mine.

These new targets have been designated as priorities and form the basis of Navarre’s 10,000m Large Orebody Discovery Exploration (LODE) initiative which is due to commence in March 2023, at the conclusion of monsoon season.

“The quantity and quality of targets derived from evaluation of the geophysical data adds further scale potential to this highly prospective licence area.”

Ian Holland – Navarre Managing Director

Read the full announcement here: Multiple new large-scale geophysical targets at Mt Carlton