Prosperity and a Positive Legacy

Navarre Minerals partners with local communities to unearth shared prosperity that lasts generations. We are focused on sustainability. We are committed to responsible exploration and development, aided by continuous community engagement. Navarre recognises and works with Indigenous communities to ensure the preservation of significant cultural and historical sites.


Throughout Navarre’s history and present, we aim to exceed the requirements of the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 and the Code of Practice for Mineral Exploration. We routinely examine all aspects of our exploration with a particular emphasis on the social and environmental effects of our operations. In all our operations, our overarching strategy is to avoid environmental harm as much as possible. We invite members of the community through forums with local government and Indigenous elders to ensure we implement exploration and development that increases community economic benefit while minimizing our impact on the environment.

Members of the community may access our reports andinformation at any time using the links below.

The Resilience Project

Navarre Minerals is proud to share a partnership with the North Queensland Cowboys to deliver the Resilience Project to schools in regional North Queensland.The Resilience Project helps to build resilient, positive and mentally healthy primary and secondary school communities through its school-based program.The Project empowers schools and facilitators to help children with practicing gratitude, empathy and mindfulness. This is achieved using practical, evidence-based coping strategies kids can use in everyday life.The Resilience Project is focused on studying human thoughts, feelings, and behaviour that emphasises:

  • Strengths instead of weakness
  • Building on the good in life, instead of focusing on the bad
  • Taking the lives of people experiencing reasonable mental health up to 'great'
  • The project uses a combination of technology, journaling, school curriculum, and conversation to achieve better mental health outcomes, especially for children who are struggling.
The Resilience Project has delivered programs to over 650 government, independent and private schools across the country, also in partnership with local and national sports teams at the elite level.For more information, visit

Exploration in Victoria

Navarre worked with the Minerals Council of Australia to create this informative video about mineral exploration in Victoria. We are proud to have some of our team and projects appear in the video to help provide information about exploration activities and techniques that take place on public and private land. The video complements the MCA and Victorian Farmers Federation Land Use Guide which provides information to private landholders on rights and obligations of explorers and landowners and advice on negotiating land access.

Information Sheets

Project Platypus

Project Platypus Logo Navarre Minerals is proud to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Project Platypus. The MOU outlines how Navarre and Project Platypus will support the environmental health of the Great Western area through ongoing initiatives: community tree planting, weed control, promoting education and research in Earth Sciences and environments for school students, and how to better protect the local ecosystem with other expert stakeholders such as Landcare.Project Platypus aims to form a broad coalition of stakeholders to maintain and improve the health of the Upper Wimmera Catchment by promoting sustainable land practices and supporting local landcare groups and landholders.

2017 MOU2021 MOU

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